Being a working mum and woman in business has never been more challenging.
The expectations are endless - work from home, while trying to homeschool... keep the family fed, educated, entertained and active. All while trying to manage expectations of ones self and expectations in the workplace.
Did I mention sanity? Oh yeah! Try not burn out and find time for you!
Questions like - how do I juggle everything?
My career.
My family's wellbeing.
My children's education.
My sanity.
How do I do it ALL and be it ALL?
How do I find more time and more freedom for ME?
Do I PIVOT my career? Am I really happy doing what I'm doing?
Do I find a way to ADAPT in my current role?
Do I try to hang in and STAY?
Do I get out altogether and GO?
These are just some of the many questions that I get asked by professional women every other day.
And understandably so. The entire routine is in upheaval and chaotic with all the isolation restrictions.
And with Isolation comes a whole series of other concerns, challenges, and distractions.
From our own mental wellbeing, finances, being in each other faces 24/7 with limited restrictions on where to go – I mean really the Woolworths isles are not that exciting!
Relationships will be challenged, Finances stretched and mindset and health will have its own rollercoaster of ups and downs.
With the ever-changing and unstable environment right now, you cannot help to think the chaos in the outside world is causing chaos in the internal world , and when there is a lot of internal thinking, I am afraid there is not a lot of action and a whole lot of doubt on what step to take next.
With the forever questioning and doubting going on amongst women in business… this can certainly lead to panic, confusion, spiral of self-doubt and diminishing confidence and when this happens, then it’s a whole lot of inaction and a whole lot of added procrastination.
I get it! We all want certainty!
Certainty that the decision we make today is going to deliver on happiness, freedom and making more money.
What is certain is that there is NO CERTAINTY and you need to be comfortable with that.
Now more than ever it’s important to make the decision, hold on to the decision, own it and step into the value you have to offer.
Here are a few tips to help you do just that;
- Figure out and hold on to your VISION for you – If one day you decided that you wanted to live a life and business that fills you up… just because times are tough, doesn’t mean you put your Vision on Hold because the world around is changing.
- Adjust Your Path To Your Vision - Consider how you can adjust and adapt your path towards your Vision.. sure it may take a little longer or it could even get you there faster and yes, it may be a little uncomfortable but remember why you started your journey.
- Be Flexible & Fluid - With the ever changing environment and routine that may be impacting how your days are, see how you can be flexible and fluid with your times and commitments. All you're doing now is creating and flexing your new way of normal. Now, it may just be temporary, but be open to learning more about you. My mantra is Adapt with Calmness… if I am stressed and anxious because my boys are home, then that will filter out in everything else I do.
- Get a Plan Together – So, for now, we don’t know how long this will take.. now is the time to Map out your next 3 - 6 Months. Get super clear on what you want to do, your messaging for your Tribe, how to best serve them and then put a strategic plan in place and bring it to life.
- Have Fun, Be Playful, Enjoy the Ride - There is no point putting more pressure then what you already have on your plate. Make the decision on where you will direct your energy now. Have fun with it. Be playful and enjoy the ride of learning something new about you.
So whether you're thinking to Pivot, Adapt, Stay or Go… consider what you want more of in your Life or Business.
Once you get super clear on this then determine the roadmap for the next 3- 6 months chip at it, one step at a time.
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