Whats holding you back to take action

Have you ever wonder why some people are not afraid to take action, to take a step towards going for what they want more off in life or work

While others hesitate and circle with excuses and living in fear of the what-ifs?
I see this time and time again, people seeking "more motivation, "more certainty."
What is keeping them from taking the step, doing the action? Is it mindset, past experiences, or even some have used that perhaps it's in the genes? 

The truth is when you get down to the core of it. It comes down to FEAR and the Thoughts you place around this FEAR … Whether this will work or not, the uncertainty is it the right or wrong, the anticipation of success and failure.
See, it all comes down to how you have associated yourself with the FEAR, the thought you give it ( some refer to it as mindset). One thing is for sure: you have the power to make and create your dreams, but the majority of the people will sit in their Thoughts and Emotions around the "FEAR "aspect.

I have talked about 1 component of what may be holding you back, but many others could be stopping you from making the step, doing the task.

The core is our thought around it. So what happens when you have managed your thinking around the Action or Step and your Feeling connected, aligned, but something else is blocking or stopping? What then

Well, I could turn around and say you say you have your thought in check, but when you look deeper, perhaps you may not.
So I want to share six things to be Beware of that may be interrupting the thought you have around taking the step, doing the action.
But before I share this, If your mind/thought/mindset is No, I have my thoughts in check for taking the step and taking action that may be a problem in itself. There may be some underlying resistance that you either choose to put a blanket over or perhaps subconsciously, something more profound is coming up.

But here it is, check in on these first / reflect and check-in to see if any of these may be the cause of not taking the step, action to move forward.

Step 1 --- Check in to Living in the Past 

If you live in the past, this will undoubtedly keep you from enjoying the NOW. 
Are you allowing your previous experiences (good or bad) to drive what you do today?

Let's say you launched a business years ago. You were enthusiastic and dreamed big, and yet, you failed. Now you're afraid to start another business because you might have a similar experience. 
Apart from there being many reasons why a business has failed 
Maybe it wasn't in high-demand back then. Or maybe your economy was down. No matter the cause, it doesn't mean that you're doomed to fail again. These things happen to everyone and shouldn't stop you from taking action. Hey, I have had 2 Business that have been unable under my watch, but what I learned from that has prepared me for this one 10 x, and I get to support others so they don't make the same mistakes I did

Step 2 Are you Experiencing Poor Self-Confidence. 

Even the most successful people will struggle with self-doubt. Despite that, they keep the world moving forward. Confidence levels will be challenged, tested as you grow, expand in life, and Business Confidence is a Skill that you continue to learn. For everyone, the way they do confidence is different. If You are speaking to yourself in a not positive way and questioning your ability, then your Thoughts of Self Confidence begins to diminish.

Whatever the goals may be, the key to breaking through the self- confidence spiral is to take the steps; no matter how uncomfortable, with every step forward, you start to build your self-confidence, and If one of the steps you fail along the way, then you'll learn a valuable lesson and feel more confident the next time you try something new. 

Step 3 – Is Procrastination even a thing.

I hate when people say they are a procrastinator; somebody should ban this word, not a procrastinator; you just haven't worked out a strategy/process for the step or action. 

When people say I am procrastinating, it's likely because you're in your head with a mountain of BS excuses. Another word for Procrastination, you may have heard it, Perfectionist. Stop waiting for the "right" moment, and for it to be all perfect, stop seeking excuses to give up on your dreams before you even started. The ideal moment might never come; ask yourself how you will know when the perfect moment is Really? 

Is there a Bell that hits you on the top of the head that says --- Ding-Ding its perfect moment GO?
There will always be drawbacks and pitfalls. The more you so call procrastinate, as you put it, the harder it gets to accomplish your goals. Why? because the deeper you are with your thoughts

Step 4 - Impatience

The one skill I have been consciously working on "Yes Consciously." 
Building a fulfilling life or business takes time. I don't plan to sprint through Life and Business because I will miss all the good bits and the shit bits. It's not something that happens from one day to the next. The same happens in business, career, and relationships. 

Remember, the best things in life are worth going for and worth waiting for to unfold, so stick to your Vision, Your Why and follow the plan; if the Plan Changes, that's fine, but Keep the Vision Alive. The results will follow. Could you imagine how boring if somebody just gave you everything to you, because likely you will let it come and go and then either go for the next or wonder again what my purpose is? Of course, when you reach your Vision/Your Goals, then it's time to Reignite your New Purpose and Enjoy the Ride along the way.

Step 5 - Perfectionism 

The sister of Procrastination, Perfectionism, keeps people focused on failure, leading to a constant state of disappointment. It also contributes to depression and unnecessary stress. 

What would happen if you let go of the perfectionism and just lived it. And I wonder when you come down to it. How do you determine you have reached Perfect? Who decides what constitutes Perfect.

There is and will always be room for improvement or more comfortable, more efficient. This should not stop you from getting started. As you progress, you'll learn valuable lessons and do things better. 

Step 6 Competition 

If you're always comparing yourself to others, stop right now !! Seriously how is that going for you? 
Your Journey, Your Path, you are Made up completely different from one person to the next. 

You do not see a person's complete struggles and mistakes. What you see on Social Media is the Highlight Reels. If you want to truly understand how someone did or got to where they did, Go and spend some time with them and ask them about their journey; it's easy to assume that they never had struggles and mistakes. I can tell you The people you admire/inspired by had their fair share of challenges and obstacles.

Focus on what you do best and make the most out of it, 
The only thing that holds you back from taking action, taking the steps, is the Thoughts you Give Air time too.

Turn the Volume Down on all the What Ifs and the stories and start Turning the Volume Up on How can I's and Let's do it!
If there is one thing, I know thoughts could be influenced by the people you choose to give air time in your life and business. So who is in your Life and Business, and is it serving you 

If you are looking for a Community of Like-Minded Boss Lady's who Are Step Takers and Action makers, then come and join my free community.

