Embodiment of The CEO Mindset

Like many other professional women trying to escape the 9-5 grind, the biggest challenge I faced when starting my own business, working a full-time job and managing family commitments, was MINDSET. 

At the time I didn't really value the importance of Mindset and how far it can take you and how much it can derail you.

The mindset required to step into being a woman in business and the mindset required when it came to building a business that was built on “me”. 

The mindset alone is not enough, its the entire  embodiment of the CEO mindset, in everything that I did , in  the actions that I took,  in the way I showed up, particularly during the period when I was still working full-time. 

This was one area, that on reflection, really helped strengthen my belief and my desire to follow my dream and my vision. The vision of creating a new way of being, to create a life where I could blend the work that I do with the life that I wanted to live. 

I would follow a lot of motivational & inspiring people online. I would see all the quotes, seeing  them share how they were living the life I desired  so much often referred to as “the freedom lifestyle”.  

Having the freedom to choose your hours. The freedom to choose how much you make and who you spent your time with .  I was so inspired by these people! It made me realise that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be able to hop on a boat in the middle of the day, take random getaways in the middle of the week, be the mum that would pick up her little one from school and surprise him with a trip to a theme park or a VIP seat at the newest show in town.

I didn't have to ask for time off, I didnt have to wait for the next pay day... I wanted and desired that freedom and I wanted pay day to be everyday. 

At that point in my journey, I was  living my dream through my Facebook feed. I could see all these  people sharing photos of their beautiful lifestyles. But, in reality, what they weren't sharing were the struggles. The struggles of what it takes to build a business, a freedom lifestyle business. What they didn't share was how long it really took and the mind battles that you would have to work through. the countless hours of healing traumas , the struggle and questioning if you were doing it right , the imposter syndrome that you dealt with day after day until it became weeks to months, the fears of getting visible , the number of no's you would get , the countless hours of learning , applying, failing and then getting back up and the list goes on.... this is what it means to grow a business that's based on you.

If there was one thing that I would want to share with anyone who is thinking of starting and building a business that's based on them, it’s to start working on that mindset NOW. To start working and embodying mindset tools and health as part of a daily practice, because you're going to have doubt. You're going to doubt the path and you're going to start questioning the people that have been inspiring you to take this step. Are they for real? How do they make it look so easy? And then you start to question yourself… can I really do this? Maybe I'm not cut out for this? ..... and by the way this list never goes away !! You grow and expand every step you take and you decide not to take and with that there will always be another mind battle to navigate.

Start embodying the mindset of a CEO; embodying the mindset and belief of your value and what you bring BEFORE you start the journey and work on this each and every day with tools and rituals that work for you, and the next time when you have the doubts, continue to ask yourself, "how bad do I really want this?" Because there will be a decision point where you will need to choose your hard and know that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. 

If you have that desire .. and that no matter what attitude, the no matter how many times you fall, the no matter how many times you say you’ve failed, the no matter how long it takes ... The Embodiment of the CEO Mindset knows that with every  failure leads to growth & expansion whether that be in your business or within yourself .  When I decided to embrace and embody that failure will not stop me it will grow me ... the commitment  to my  desire and the commitment to my dreams... this is the Embodiment of the CEO Mindset .... and the days when I want to give it all away/ walk away because it gets too hard , I call on my CEO Mindset to move me through it.

Starting and building a business that's based on you is a transformational journey, it is a spiritual journey of you uncovering new parts of yourself and old parts of yourself. You are going to find the parts of you that you didn't even know existed. So, how bad do you want to this? How bad do you want to live a freedom business, are you ready to fully commit? Because, if you're not ready to commit, and if you think this is a short run / short jump, it's not. 

Building a business is like Training to be an Athlete for the Olympics  . You need to get your body, your mind, and your soul ready. Ask any athlete that goes into the Olympic Games how much they had to build their mind, body and soul for that day of competition. Building a business is much the same. The difference is your competition is everyday within your mind , some days your Mind flows well and some days it spirals down .

" Be the CEO of your Mind and anything is possible"
